Terms and Conditions


Campbell Tuition is the trading name of Angus Campbell, who is the proprietor of the business. All correspondence concerning the business is to be directed to 12 Leverhulme Drive, Stornoway, HS1 2QN. The telephone number is 07596420258. The business is conducted on a sole trader basis, and Angus Campbell is the principal tutor providing the services which are detailed in this profile. Other tutors are also available. The services offered and the fees charged may be varied at any time, subject to the provisions below.


These can be made by post, telephone or e-mail. The tuition is based on the specific requirements of the student, and an initial discussion (usually by telephone or email before the first tutorial) will allow the student to make detailed comments on how he or she would like the tuition to meet his or her needs. Students are not normally committed to sign up for regular periods of tuition. However, each appointment must be for a minimum of 1 hour. Tuition normally takes place in the evening after 6pm and at weekends. Daytime appointments may also be possible with some tutors.

Method of tuition

Private face-to-face tuition will take place at the students home or at the home of the tutor, at their discretion. Whilst most private tuition is conducted on a one-to-one basis, pairs can be accommodated. Students are asked to provide as much detail of their aims in the use of a private tutor as possible so that we are able to plan a form of tuition which will be of maximum benefit to them.

Payment terms

Payment by cash or cheque must either be made at each tutorial or in advance for an agreed number of tutorials (for example a block booking of five tutorials).

Code of conduct

Students may curtail their ongoing association with Campbell Tuition at any time (subject only to the cancellation policy below).

Our Tutors will conduct themselves courteously at all times, and it follows, therefore, that we expect the same from students and their parents. In the event that a situation was to develop which would render the continuation of a service impossible, we reserve the right to discontinue such service forthwith, and remove the student from our list. The same right to discontinue receiving services rests with the student. In any event, in case of problems, we would do everything possible to remedy these at the earliest opportunity.

Variation of fees and services

Fees may be changed and the services offered added to or withdrawn at any time. However, fees will not be varied during an academic year. We reserve the right to increase fees, in line with inflation when the new academic year starts.

Limit of liability

Campbell Tuition will not be liable for any consequential loss or damage to its students, however caused, in the event that tuition cannot be provided for any reason.

Liability is restricted to that shown in the cancellations policy. Students’ statutory rights are not affected by any clause shown in these Terms of Engagement.

Students can expect high quality tuition. However Campbell Tuition cannot guarantee examination results.

Cancellation policy

Please give a minimum of 24 hours notice of any cancellation of an appointment. If a student fails to give 24 hours notice and an alternative appointment within the same week is not possible, full fees will be payable.  No refunds will be given if a block booking is cancelled after it has commenced.

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